NI Clinical Research Network would like to highlight and acknowledge Karen Gillvray and her work within the Vision/Ophthalmology team in Belfast
December 22, 2022
The Clinical Research network would like to highlight and acknowledge Karen Gillvray and her work within the Vision/Ophthalmology team in Belfast.
Karen is an Associate Specialist Ophthalmologist based in BHSCT and is a sub-PI for most of the ophthalmology clinical research trials supported by the Clinical Research Network.
Karen is also the National SAS [Specialty & Associate Specialist] Doctor rep on the Academic and Research Sub Committee of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCO).
As part of SAS week, the RCO interviewed Karen about SAS doctors in Research. Click here for the vlog:
Karen is also having an article published in Eye News in January 2023 and is speaking at the RCO’s National Congress meeting in Birmingham about her involvement in research, all to try and showcase SAS doctors in varied roles, and to encourage more to come forward and get involved in research.